Saturday, November 6, 2021

Daylily (Hemerocallis)

painting 16x16 inches acrylic on canvas SOLD

I love plants, and this daylily caught my attention. Plants equal life. Without them we could not survive. All life on earth depends on plants.

Everything we use is plant based. When we are in the presence of them, plants are also therapeutic. They promote mindfulness, are quiet companions, purify the air, among many other benefits.


Green Pitcher Plant

 Sarracenia oreophila, I grew this one in a tall glass jar. The roots are in peat moss and I only used distilled water. It grew to 12 inches tall.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Pineapple sage


This is the first year I've attempted to grow Pineapple Sage.

I bought it this Spring, re-potted it and let it go. I erected my small cold frame on the patio early October, and put it in. Today I discovered these blooms!

What a lovely surprise!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Winter bouquet

 a lovely dried bouquet from my garden in a handmade Raku pot. Raku is a low fired ceramic that is porous, and can not hold water. It is most suitable for dried arrangements.

Ipomoea nil, Japanese Morning Glory!

Organic seeds from 2021 available now!

 $2.00 for 40 seeds

These are lovely, non invasive annuals. I grew this years' crop on my balcony.

What a surprise! A bus stop poster of my garden!


Found at a bus stop on Broadway at Clark. The Collingwood Neighbourhood House creates collectible cards every year. My garden was featured in 2016.

"Deeville"......a Tiny village

I had a client with developmental disabilities. Her nickname was "Dee", so I created this tiny village in her garden. The plot did not get much rain as it was under the Skytrain, so we had to focus on Xeriscaping. I used perennial ground covers such as Thymus serpyllum.


You can see the spider web in the round window. He lived there for many years.

My crop of black tomatoes

My tiny balcony is south facing, yet does not get many hours of direct sun that tomatoes love. Still, I managed to harvest these fine specimens.