Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina )

I rescued this ficus from certain death. When I found it, there were almost no leaves, and it was only 3 feet high. Because it was outdoors for a summer, millipedes had invaded the soil. I replaced the soil and washed the roots thoroughly. This is after the first winter inside, around six months after I found him the previous September.

Eventually it grew to the ceiling in height and had to be re-potted once into a large Chinese preserved egg container. I cared for this plant, whom I named Robert, for eight years.

green pitcher plant (Sarracenia)

I finally found a spot with enough light in my east facing window. I have had this plant for over six years and it was moved from a moist, east facing bathroom to a dark room where it barely thrived. When I moved it back to an east and brighter light, took off! They like nutrient poor soil (peat moss and a bit of charcoal) and distilled water.

Sundew (Drosera capensis)

This was a terrarium I made a few years ago. This particular Drosera capensis lasted for over three years in this container. The secret is distilled water!

Purple Peony Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

I found these beautiful specimens in the Strathcona Community gardens. Here is a great link to growing them:

getting back to my roots

The one constant in my life has always been plants. As a child, I spent many hours in my Grandmother's garden, she showed me where to pick herbs for tea and where the best blackberries were. As a young woman, I lived in the forest and foraged plants. I have always had a garden or at least a plant in an apartment. This blog is dedicated to all my fellow gardeners.